
Sunday, December 15, 2019

Write a composition in about ' Hazrat Muhammad (Sm.) '.

           " HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (Sm.) "

Introduction : Hazrat Muhammad (Sm.) is the last Prophet of Allah and the leader of all prophets. He is the best of men and educators at any point conceived on earth. There is none like him. He is the encapsulation of all that is acceptable unadulterated and honorable. Arabia and the world before his birth: Before his birth Arabia was steeped in darkness, ignorance and superstition. The Arabs were oblivious and underhanded and they had brutal existences. They were admirers of numerous divine beings and goddesses and were given to a wide range of indecencies. The individuals of different nations of the world likewise had fallen on abhorrent lifestyles at that point. Hazrat Muhammad (Sm.) was, thusly, sent by Allah to address the Arabs and to show the individuals of the world the correct way. 

Birth and parentage : Hazrat Muhammad (Sm.) was born in the famous Quraish tribe of Macca in 570 A.D. His father Abdullah kicked the bucket before his introduction to the world, and his mother Amena passed on when he was just six. So he turned into a vagrant when he was as yet a newborn child. He was raised by a medical attendant named Halima. His grandfather Abdul Muttalib, and his uncle Abu Taleb dealt with the kid. 

Early life : Early in life Hazrat Muhammad passed through many trials and sufferings. He got no opportunity for learning. Be that as it may, he was shown a lot higher things than book information commonly and the inconspicuous hand of Allah. He was sent somewhere near Allah to benefit humanity. From his childhood he was insightful legitimate and honest. He was called Al Amin or the Trusty one. He in every case however about the indecencies of Arab life and how to spare the Arabs from those shades of malice. He was a man of word additionally, and realized how to oversee business and different issues. He continued exchange under his uncle and went to Syria a few times on business visits. 

His marriage and preaching of new faith : Hazrat Muhammad (Sm.) served for some time under a beautiful, rich and accomplished widow named Khadija. He dealt with her huge business and won her certainty, At last at 25 years old he wedded her and turned into the ace of her huge riches. In any case, spouse and wealth had no impact on his character. He resigned to the cavern of Mount Hira and mulled over the issues of life and passing. Finally at forty years old light unfolded upon him and he got the new truth. He lectured : "There is no god however Allah and Muhammad is the envoy of Allah to lecture this incredible truth to the world." This is the religion of Islam. The new confidence was first acknowledged by his better half Khadija. A couple of others additionally acknowledged it and turned into his supporters. 

His long-drawn struggle : But a great many of the fierce Arabs were furious when they heard of the new religion of Islam. They from the start attempted to convince him to cease from lecturing it and vowed to give him anything he desired. They put each trouble in his way, exposed his devotees to extreme torments and attempted to execute him. So for religion he sent a considerable lot of his supporters to Madina and afterward in 622 A.D. he himself went there. This is called the Hijrat. From this date the Islamic era Hijri began.

His success : The individuals of Madina heartily invited him. Many of them accepted his faith. But the people of Macca attacked Madina several times to kill the Prophet and to wipe out Islam. Along these lines the Prophet and his adherents had to face various conflicts like Badar, Ohud and Khandak. But every time the evil designs of the oppressors of Macca were foiled. At last the Prophet conquered Macca in 630 A.D. what's more, prevailing with regards to carrying all Arabia to his confidence.

His teachings : The Prophet did not take any retaliation. He taught the people the virtue of forgiveness. He requested that they do great to other people and love Allah. The Quran was uncovered to him by Allah and the Hadith. Which contains his sayings taught the Muslims many noble virtues to make them a great world force later on.

Conclusion : This great and noble soul passed away in 632 A.D. at the age of 63. Be that as it may, his work and lessons remain and will be followed as long as the world keeps going. He made Muslims siblings of each other, assembled an extraordinary country and an incredible state. At present one-fifth of the individuals of the world are the adherents of this incredible and respectable Prophet.

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