
Sunday, December 8, 2019

Write a composition in about ' Science in Everyday life '.

                 " SCIENCE IN EVERYDAY LIFE "

We are now living in an age of modern science. It is often said that science is the religion of the modern age. Wherever we look at we can see the blessing of modern science. Science has revolutionized the modern life and exposed the centuries old beliefs and superstition. In fact, every invention of modern science is a blessing for the mankind and men cannot go without them in their everyday life. The blessing of modern science are many. Among them electricity is the first and foremost one. It is a great source of power and energy. It has brought about a revolutionary change in our life. Modern civilization itself is indeed the creation of electricity. Modern civilization would come to a standstill if there were no electricity. Is has made our life comfortable, easy and enjoyable. Without it all other scientific inventions become useless. Telephone as well as mobile phone is another blessing of science. It helps a man to talk to anybody in any corner of the world. Besides telephone and mobile phone wireless and radio enable us to hear human voice from any part of the world. Another great wonder of modern science is Telephone. It is the most popular instrument for recreation to modern people. It enables us to see and enjoy the news, games and sports, dramas, cinemas, etc. that take place thousands of miles away. The inventions of railways, airplane, steamers, motor cars, etc. have enabled us to travel to the furthest end of the world. These transports have brought the world closer to us. By airplane er can fly faster than birds. The inventions of Penicillin, X-rays, ECG, Radio-therapy, etc. are some other blessings of modern science in the field of medicine. They have greatly mitigated man's miseries and have enabled to fight against diseases effectively. The latest miracle of science is computer. It has enabled us to perform any difficult work and calculations most accurately and perfectly in a few seconds. In the field of diagnosis and treatment technology, printing, trade and commerce, industry, research etc. computers are doing wonders. Again, the invention of radar enables us to know the weather forecast in advance. The invention of Rocket is also a wonder of science. It has made space travel easy. With its help today man can fly even to the moon. In addiction to these, science has brought about a miracle in the field of agriculture and industry. Tractors, power-pumps, fertilizers, high yielding varieties of crops and construction of water dams and irrational device have revolutionized agriculture. If we can apply the scientific methods in properly in the field of agriculture, there will be no hunger in the world. In fact we cannot live or do without the blessings of science. Modern science is really like Aladin's lamp. What it does today was supposed to be impossible yesterday. Nobody can say where it will end. But this much can be said that it will go on working and creating much more wonders in the days to come.

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