
Sunday, December 8, 2019

Write a composition in about 'Internet'.

                                                        " INTERNET "


Internet is the latest instance of modern information technology. The world is at the grip of people. They can come to know what is happening in the other corner of  the world in a few seconds. They can exchange information in a few seconds. Internet has changed the world radically. Internet is the abbreviation of Interconnected Network. It comprises of computer, information and telecommunication. Information is exchanged through it. Its origin is a project of the US Defence Department, called ARPANET which was launched in 1986. Internet is of two types- online and offline. Online means direct connection in computer world. The another name for offline is e-mail. Almost all the online facilities are available in offline services. Online costs less and it is faster than offline. The regulation regarding exchange of information through computers are collectively called internet protocol. If there is no well-defined protocol among computers, no exchange is possible. The oldest and most efficient protocol is TCPIIP 
( Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol ). Internet is not a company. It belongs to all and it is universal. The three organisations responsible for manipulating its regulations are :
a) Internet Network Information Centre ( INIC)
b) Internet Society ( IS)
c) World Wide Web Consortium (WWWC)
Internet connection can be done through three types of networking systems. These are: 
a) LAN (Local Area Network) : Range-one kilometer.
b) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) : Range-several kilometers, especially in a city.
c) WAN (Wide Area Network) : World Wide Networking- Its usual speed is 9.6 kilobyte per second.
The use of internet begins on 11th November, 1993 in Bangladesh. But then it was confined in uploading and downloading e-mails. However, on 4th June, 1996, VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) was introduced. Internet connection now is available through radio frequency without the help of T&T Board. False information, facebook abuse, pornography, gambling,blackmailing, rumour, extortion, and so forth, commonly known a cyber crimes, are the misuses of Internet. People, especially the youths are spoiling their valuable time. It has created a perverted taste. Whether science and technology is a blessing or a curse depends on its use.If abuses can be prevented, internet can open the horizon of all the facilities of globalization.

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